
Pt. 1

During your Study Week, create an image bank that acts as a diary of things that interest you. You can source things from Google Images, Flickr, Wikimedia Commons, Twitter, images you take yourseld, something you make, etc. Gather 50-75 images total. You don't necessarily have to know why you like something or where this is going, but try to be thoughtful and deliberate with your image choices.

Pt. 2

Refine those images and create/gather new, stronger images. You should now have at least 100 images. Based off your findings from your images, focus on something that can evolve into a type of collection. This can be anything from text, sounds, patterns, objects, etc. You can begin to think more abstract or loose with your themes. Organize these 100 images into 3 more specific categories within this collection (for example if your collection is stripes, your categories could be direction, size, color). At this point you should be finding similarities, drawing connections, and developing a concept or narrative for your collection. In writing, prepare a summary of what you’d like to investigate with your collection.

Pt. 3

Begin developing your collection into a website. How can you display these items in a way that highlights your overall message or connections you’ve found with your collections? What aspects of the web can you leverage in displaying these items? How does the user move between them and how are they filtered? Are there multiple ways to viewing this collection? If it’s primarly visual, how would it translate to text and vice versa. Does it represent a finite list or can it be updated? How does seeing these as a collection or a larger system alter or enhance their meaning?


– Your site must have a title
– Your site must have some javascript element that enhances the experience and relates to your collection in a meaningful way.
– Your website should have two ways of viewing your collection.
– There must be some form of authorship. This can be done through creating things yourself, or manipulating/curating exisiting things to create something new.

Ray Guns, Claes Oldenburg (1969-1977)


3/31: Have 75 images gathered and be ready to present.
4/02: Refine your images and divide them into subcategories. You should now have 100 images.
4/07: Present sketches of 3 vastly different ways of viewing your collection using Sketch.
4/09: Choose 1 direction and refine it.
4/14: Refine that direction even further and start developing it in HTML.
4/21: Continue developing your website and present an alternate way of viewing it that makes sense for your concept.
5/5: Final Crit: Collection sites due