
In this course we will provide a thorough and elaborate study of interactive concepts and techniques for applications. We will conduct an extensive investigation into the interface, mechanism, controls, and aims of interactive works. Students will learn how to design and develop complex interactive projects, undertaking comprehensive research and directing their thinking process from brainstorming to final outcome. This course will provide students with the tools to conceive, plan, and develop an interactive system, and they will become aware of the importance of their role in the development of interactive media.

This class will be divided into workshops, readings, as well as in-class, croup and individual crits. There is an emphasis on critical thinking, research, process, craft, and risk taking. This course is a complement to the Core Lab Interaction class. Certain class times and assessable tasks will thus exist in direct coordination with the Core Lab Interaction class and will be evaluated in both classes.

View the Full Syllabus.

Tuesday + Thursdays
9:00am - 11:40am
Parsons 2 W 13th
Room: 1013


Attendance is mandatory. We will move quickly with projects and readings. Two or more unexcused absences will impact your grade. If you missed class, you're responsible to find the homework for next class. Check the class site, email me, or ask a friend.

Students are allowed 4 absences. Any absence beyond the allowed absences will result in an automatic failure (F) for the course. There are no excused absences. This applies to each and every student.

Class starts promptly at 9:00am. A student is deemed tardy if a student fails to arrive within 15 minutes past the beginning of class. 2 tardies will result in an automatic absence. A student who arrives an hour past the beginning of class will be deemed absent. Be respectful of your classmate's time!

No Late Work

Work that is submitted past the assignment due date will result in an automatic failure for the assignment. For work presented in critique, absence at the critique will result in an automatic failure for the assignment.


Participation is essential for this class to function. It also consists of 20% of your grade. This includes:


You will be given in-progress evaluations for assignments throughout the course in the form of in-class critiques, based on their quality in terms of concept, execution, and craft. At any point you may raise your grade by reworking an assignment. Your final grade will also be affected by attendance, class participation, and deadline adherence. Your class participation is an essential part of class and includes: keeping up with readings, assignments, contributing meaningfully to class discussions, encouraging your peers, and coming to class regularly on time.

Project 1: 20%
Project 2: 20%
Project 3: 20%

Exercises: 20%
Active Participation: 20%
TOTAL: 100%


In class and out of class you must practice the utmost respect for classmates and your own intellectual development. Any illegal, unethical, politically inappropriate, offensive verbal/non verbal behaviors (e.g., any discrimination on the basis of racial/ethnic/cultural background, sexual orientations, etc.), sexual harassment are strictly unacceptable.


All laptops and devices must be put away during crits and lectures unless otherwise noted.


Two students will be assigned to develop questions with which to lead a class discussion about the assigned reading for the following week. Readings are important for the class to operate. Come to class with your own thoughts and insights and be prepared to discuss in class.

All laptops and devices must be put away during crits and lectures unless otherwise noted.