You’ve been given a prompt or constraint from the Oblique Strategies deck. This prompt will be your north star for this assignment. Now, with the text on your card, redesign the card 12 different ways using only html and css that respond to the prompt or constraint on the card. Each card should be different in some way. Visually, these can be independent from one another or work together as a series.
Create a site that houses all 12 versions of these cards in some way. How they should live on the page. Are they in a grid? Scattered? Stacked? Are they even cards? Whatever it is let the prompt dictate your solution.
You should look to your prompt for all your decision making on this project. “What typeface do I use?” Look at the prompt. “What are my margins?” What does the prompt suggest? “Color?” Prompt! Be prepared to defend all your design decisions with this in mind. For example, if your card says “don’t stop” you shouldn’t only have 12 cards.
This assignment is about exploring objectivity, systems, and concepts. The idea is to remove as many aesthetic decisions from the design process as possible. Come up with a concept and see it to its logical conclusion.
– One typeface
– No Images
– Minimum all text on the card
Imprint, Daniel Eatock
My Website is a Shifting House, Laurel Schwulst
Manifesto, Daniel Eatock
Week 1: Design 4 cards each visualizing the prompt in a different way.
Week 2: Design 4 more cards (8 total) and begin thinking about how these work together and how they can live on the page.
Week 3: Design 4 more cards (12 total) and create 2 different ways to view your cards, e.g., one at a time or all at once.
Week 4: Final Due: All 12 cards on a page presented with 2 ways to view.